A World in Squares: Free Quilt Pattern

Crafting enthusiasts, we’re back with yet another exciting tutorial for you! This time, we delve into the realm of quilting, specifically, the ever-classic “Trip Around the World” pattern. This project came to life as an answer to a challenge set by a Facebook group, Desi Quilters, to create a quilt solely from squares. The result is a variation of the bargello pattern known as Trip Around The World or Sunshine & Shadows. We’ve simplified it for you into an easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorial.

Overview of the “Trip Around the World” Pattern

The “Trip Around the World” quilt pattern is a captivating design known for its stunning visual impact. Traditionally, this pattern was considered complicated, but we’ve figured out a way to simplify it. We’ve divided the quilt into four identical units, separated by one long vertical and one long horizontal strip, thus making it manageable for anyone to craft, even on a larger scale.

Materials Needed

Here’s what you’ll need to create this beautiful pattern:

  • 5 fat quarters in light, medium, and dark greens and reds.
  • A sewing machine
  • Iron
  • Scissors
  • Graph paper for mock-up
  • Seam ripper
  • Pins

Step by Step Guide

Preparing the Fabric

  1. Select your 5 fat quarters, focusing on light, medium, and dark greens and reds.
  2. Wash and iron the fat quarters to remove all wrinkles.
  3. Cut the fat quarters into 2″ strips.

Building the Strip Set and Tube

  1. Sew the strips into a set, progressing from lightest, light, medium, to dark and medium.
  2. Cut off the raggedy ends of the strip set and assign a number from 1 to 5 to each strip of fabric starting from the bottom of this strip set.
  3. Flip the strip set, with the wrong side up, join the first (Fabric 1) and last (Fabric 5) strips to form a tube and pin them in place.
  4. Sew the two end strips together to form a tube and cut the strip set into 2″ segments.

Assembling the Quilt

  1. Place your graph paper mock-up in front of you. Working with 1 two-inch segment at a time, use a seam ripper to rip apart the seams between the fabrics as detailed in the original text.
  2. Sew the top part of the quilt together following the original instructions, making sure to pair and pin the columns together correctly.
  3. Assemble the bottom half of the quilt following the same steps as outlined in assembling the top half of the quilt. Rotate it 360 degrees and place it below the top half on the work surface.
  4. For the horizontal center of the quilt top, follow the steps outlined in the original text, using the two remaining two-inch segments that were cut from the tube of strip sets.

Making the Quilt Sandwich

  1. Cut the batting and backing fabric to the same size as the unfinished quilt top.
  2. Place the batting on the work surface, followed by the quilt top, facing up, and then the backing fabric, face down.
  3. Pin the sandwich to hold it together and sew a 1/8″ seam all around, leaving an opening on one side.
  4. Turn the entire quilt inside out, poke out the corners, and sew a 1/4″ seam all around, enclosing the open section at the same time.

Quilting The Quilt

  1. Quilt the top with lines running through each diagonal line of squares, beginning each color with an X and ending with an X. This strategy makes it effortless to move from one diagonal line to the next, working your way all around the quilt. Remember, this quilt top is free-hand quilted, so don’t worry if your lines aren’t perfectly straight – it adds to the charm!

Full Pattern: Click Here

Wrap Up

Congratulations, you’ve successfully created your “Trip Around the World” quilt! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crafter, this simplified version of a classic design is a perfect project to hone your skills.

We hope you enjoyed the journey around this delightful quilt pattern. Never forget that every project is a learning opportunity. As you may have realized from this tutorial, even the most intricate and complicated patterns can be broken down into manageable, achievable tasks.

Embarking on a creative endeavor like this quilt project requires not only skill and creativity but also patience and persistence. Remember that practice is the key to mastering any craft, including quilting. Every project you undertake, every stitch you make, takes you one step closer to perfection. The important thing is not to rush the process but to enjoy each moment of creation.

Keep practicing, keep learning, and most importantly, keep creating. You are capable of crafting beautiful things! Don’t be deterred by complex patterns or ambitious projects – remember, every expert was once a beginner. Happy quilting!